
Is this a big size for 15?

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I KNOW that there are these questions ALL the time, but i'm really curious! I know this is above average, my p***s is like 6 3/4" erect, but would it be considered "big" or just above average? does that make sense? and will girls like it?




  1. sorry , just a normal size.

    tie a 5 pound weight around the tip and carry it around in your baggy pants for a week.

    After 1 weeks time you will hav

    a sore d**k!

  2. not big.  just average, or slightly above.

  3. your above average i'm 15 and mines 7.5 inches

  4. um i think its avrege to small for my likeing but i knwo alot of girl who would like it

  5. thats probably in between "above average" and "big" for a 15 year old lol

  6. That is about where I was when I was 15, I am 16 and my p***s is now 8 inches long.

  7. Hey there, this is considered a normal size. The normal size on average is 5-7 inches. A woman will like it depending on their 'tastes'. Most people say that bigger is better, while that is true, it all depends if you hit the G-Spot while having intercourse. Just remember that there is another three years of growing.

    Hope it Helps!

  8. It's above average for sure Girls all would like a slice of it.


  9. The average size of a caucasian adult p***s is 6 to 7 inch.

    At 15yo you still have some growth coming.  I would consider yours above average (but big and above average mean the same thing).

    As for girls liking it, if it's fat enough they will really like it.  But a lot has to do with how well you can use it too...which most guys learn to do pretty fast.  I would think girls would like yours just fine.

  10. it is probably big and average

    and yes! girls will like it haha, i would know cause im 15 too :)

  11. perfect =D

    send pics?  

  12. your size is average but your only 15 and growing so it grows with the body sometimes larger ands sometimes stays the same. dont think the ladys will kick you out of the bed per say but grow up somemore before you try useing it.take care

  13. it's neither big nor small. it's just a d**k. every guy has one.


  14. Your brother told me that it was really 2 inches.

  15. I'm 4 years younger and have a 5.5-5.75 one so...

  16. You are 15 and you are worried about the size of your d**k?  What do you need it for?  Don't go off stickin it places it aint suppose to be at 15!  Don't go get no girl pregnant!  But, I am sure a girl would like you to stick them with it no matter what the size!  I know you don't hear this alot, but people with big ones actually hurt the girl.  Some girls prefer the smaller ones.  

  17. I like u got a gf??????

    answer mine;...

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