
Is this a boy or girl??

by  |  earlier

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this is a 4d ultrasound of looking down on the privates could someone please tell me boy or girl???" target="_blank"><img src=" border="0" alt="baby"></a>




  1. boy I think.

  2. looks like a should have asked when you were at the docs

  3. As a mum of three boys, I am seeing boy bits.

    Why didn&#039;t you ask when you were having the ultrasound, they would have happily given you an idea.

  4. he is a boy

  5. Why do you keep asking this ?

  6. Its a TRANNY  

  7. looks a bit girlish

  8. It looks like a girl to me but If you ask your ultrasound woman she will know right away....They can almost always tell from as early on as 10 weeks!

  9. Didn&#039;t the person giving you the ultrasound tell you?

    And that&#039;s a boy. His legs are crossed towards the top of the pic.  

  10. Why does it say &#039;The specified image doesn&#039;t exist&#039;?

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