
Is this a boy or girl ultrasound pic?

by  |  earlier

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just a face shot- no "goods". just wanted to get people's opinions on whether they thought this looked girly or boyish...




  1. Babies tend to look pretty gender neutral even throughout their first year..  

  2. i think it looks like a boy :)

  3. a cute little boy

  4. boy which one is it?

  5. Boy

  6. Its so hard to tell the s*x of a baby from a face shot. Im just gonna take a wild guess and say its a boy!

  7. My husband votes boy. My gut tells me girl.

    Best of luck!  

  8. Didn't the sonographer tell you what you were having? :) Yeah.. looks kinda boyish. :)

  9. Looks like a boy to me. Congrats!

    *edit* only because of the nose. The nose looks like a boy nose.

  10. to me it looks like a lil boy...

  11. looks like a darling little boy to me.  congrats.

  12. I vote girl and I have no idea why. maybe because she looks pouty.

    Beautiful picture though=)

  13. I would say it looks like a boy but babies are hard  to tell apart when in the womb!!! Good luck either way!!!

  14. boyish

  15. I say a girl. Just a gut feeling. Please let us all know! Good luck to you!!

  16. To me, it looks like a boy but it's hard to tell from the face!

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