
Is this a challenging sophomore year schedule?

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Sophomore year in high school:

Pre Calculus

Spanish 2

AP Physics B

Honors English 10

Honors Advanced Orchestra

AP US History

After school I might do Honors Chamber Orchestra.




  1. No, looks like standard college-prep to me.

    I might change my opinion if you school is known as a difficult one that routinely produces numerous Ivy acceptances each year.  Otherwise, looks like regular stuff.

  2. yeah it looks hard

    im only supposed to have 1 AP class this year, us history. i couldve had ap english but i didnt want to do the summer reading

  3. d**n thats gunna be alot of homework, I remember my sophomore year looked similar to this and I failed miserably  

  4. No it seems that you are just smart enough to do that well in school my sophomore year was basically the same except i had chemistry instead of physics  

  5. that's basically my schedule! lol. well...i am a and in band and chorus...but close enough. i think it's pretty much like the "smarter" side, it may be tough at first, but just find your groove.  

  6. Yeah, all classes are weighted. wooooopp

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