
Is this a cheezy 1 year anniversary gift??

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Im having trouble deciding something romantic to get for my boyfriend for our anniversary. He wants practical things, like giftcards to his college bookstore...but I want to also get him something romantic. So I was thinking of this picture frame.

is this too girly looking? Or is there anything anyone else can think of?? He won't touch jewelry or anything like that he is kinda like a tough guy... i dunno what else i can get him.




  1. no, it is from your heart.

  2. Please don't do that to him... a frame is nice, but, not that frame... come on!

  3. it is totally girly but us guys need that...really we do...we may joke and laugh and are friends may make fun of us but its all a show...get him anything cheezy you want to get him..

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