
Is this a contradiction?

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Obama has stated that he will keep the world safe by removing and stopping the growth of nuclear weapons. But Biden has stated, to Israel, that they need to accept the fact that Iran will acquire nuclear weapons. Biden went on to say that diplomacy and sanctions would be futile against Iran. Obama has stated that he will continue to use diplomatic means to stop Iran's nuclear program. Are these two on the same page? Which one is telling the truth?




  1. They're screwed up...  politicians will tell you and promise you whatever you want to hear.  Barack Hussein Obama's past can not be overlooked, and that's good enough for me not to vote for someone like that.  Obama's known ties to terrorists, and receiving donations from these people.  How Obama was raised as a radical Islamic extremist, or his racist preachers.  These issues are far more disturbing to me than anything else.  Do your homework on Obama and decide for yourself.

  2. Newsmax isn't a source it's a comic strip

  3. Obama is telling the voters what they want to hear.  Biden is in the real world. Iran doesn't care who is president, they will do as they please. Israel would be stupid to do anything unless it was a direct threat.

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