
Is this a convoluted Converb?

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It is not MY fault; blame TD.


by Elaine P

My real virtual friends

are virtually certain

that we are really friends.




  1. DoesThe Devil make you do everything, Elaine?

    I wondered what T.D. stood for.

  2. I don't know, but it's very nice.  I like it a lot.

  3. Loved it.

  4. My Monday will finish with a medium sized bang...around 180 pages...thanks...I printed out all your corrections. I was expecting huindreds...hehehe

  5. I still don't get the converb, but I am virtually certain that we are all friends.

    Speaking of TD, where is he?

  6. This is a triumph of form over substance.

  7. There goes that d**n converb again......will some-one please give me a definition of what qualifies as such?

    These little crumbs of knowledge

    Which filter through each time

    Aren't enough to help me, Elaine

    Should I try a converb rhyme.

    My brain hurts after reading's like a written version of that drawing where the pillars become spaces, and things look like they are solid, but then they are not.And there are lots of stairs, I think.  Do you know the one I mean?

    Edit - Kevin - you're making that all up.  It sounds good, tho'

  8. Not to be a wet blanket, but this is "word play"...not a "converb"...the term is increasingly being misused.  Elaine, your word play is very well done, my only concern is that continued misuse by top contributors of YA may contribute to the proliferation of further misunderstanding and malapropism of the word "converb" by those who don't understand a very specific linguistic term.

    The definition of a converb is: "In general linguistics, a converb is a non-finite verb form that serves to express adverbial subordination, i.e. notions like 'when', 'because', 'after', 'while'."

    Word play is:"a literary and narrative technique in which the nature of the words used themselves become part of the subject of the work. Puns, phonetic mix-ups such as spoonerisms, obscure words and meanings, clever rhetorical excursions, oddly formed sentences, and telling character names."

    Hope this helps to prevent more confusion...and again, nice "word play" Elaine.

  9. I love this! This I Love! I this Love! Love I this!

    This is more confluted than Georg Zamfir! (echoes of coffee advert...Maxwell House or Nescafe - circa 1970?)

    Whichever way you look at it....nice effort! Funny girl YOU!

    TD consider yourself blamed ! I always thought it was San Adreas' fault...obviously it's not.....*slinks away ashamed of her ignorance

  10. Clever use of precise definitions of words.  By the way, I am in agreement with this converb.  To me, it is not convoluted, but a truism in many a case.

  11. One of the best ever converbs, convoluted or not.

  12. Excellent!  I think it is a jewel!  

    I understand a converb from your poem.  The juxtoposition of virtual and friends could not be better.


  13. That's convoluted!  Perhaps a "nettian" proverb?

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