
Is this a correct sentence?

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My users make submissions to my website. After the submission process finishes, I want to show a confirmation message to my users that will be written in header style in bold text.

Which one should I use? Which one is correct? Or if you have a suggestion, can you please tell me?

1) submission succeeded

2) submission was succeeded

3) your submission is successfully done

something like these.... can i give your opinions? thanks!!!




  1. I'd go with:

    Submission received.

  2. you submissions have been successively recieved.

  3. Your submission was successful

  4. "Your submission has been received."

  5. Successfully Submitted

  6. Your submission has been received.

  7. submission successful

    submission succeeded

    I would use one of those two.  What you want is clarity with simplicity and common usage (no distractions=no confusion).

  8. Your submission has been successfully received.

  9. "Submission succeeded" does not sound appropriate. I would suggest either:

    Successfully submitted


    Submission received

  10. 2 is grammatically incorrect.

    While #3 is grammatically correct, there is something wrong with it that I can't quite put my finger one.  People don't say "successfully done" so much as they say "has been done successfully".  But, I'm not sure "done" captures what you are trying to say.

    #1 would be fine.

    I would say "submission accepted".  Or "Suggestion successfully submitted" (assuming it is a suggestion that they are submitting).

  11. I would say something along the lines of "Your submission was successful" or just "submission successful."

    None of the three that you listed sound quite right, but they are correct grammatically. If you want to use one of those, though, I would pick the first one. The second doesn't really make sense, and the third is in the wrong tense.  

  12. None of those. I'd use

    "your submission was successful"

  13. your submission has been received and will be posted (shortly, after review, after processing). Thank you for your contribution.

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