
Is this a cute children's preschool name?

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Ok, On the computer, I'm writing a story about a child's preschool discovery. I have a couple names for the preschool. Please pick which one you like and say why you like it!

Bunny Hop Preschool

Discovery Island Preschool

Mickey Mouse Preschool

Minnie Mouse Preschool

Hawaiian Hut Preschool




  1. This is just a thought.... I'd like to see a name that makes me think that my money is well spent in your preschool and that my child is learning and getting excellent care. Discovery Island is the only one that remotely fits.

    I know you're writing a story but, who would realisically send their kids to a preschool with those other names? I suppose if it's just a story though, any one of those names are alright.

  2. i like Discovery Island the best.. it gives it a feel a learning & discovering things for the first time.

  3. I think perpetual pals preschool or maybe curiosity corner is cute.

  4. none of them sound good>maybe you should use your own name, it's more professional.

  5. Discovery Island

  6. I vote for Discovery Island. It makes me think the kids attending are learning and enjoying it. The others are too ...ick... vacuous.

  7. i like Discovery  Island perschool mickey and minnie mouse perschool sound kinda cheesy if your story is set in hawaii then do hawaiian Hut preschool bunny hop is cute but doesn't sound right hope this helps!


  9. Discovery Island Preschool sounds a bit more professional and more meaningful than the others. The others are too cute sounding. Discovery Island Preschool sounds like the type of preschool where kids will actually learn but also have fun.

  10. I would go with Discovery Island.  Because I have a 2 year old and i would put him there because the other school seem like all they do is play no education involved and Discovery Island sounds educational.

  11. I like Discovery Island Preschool best.  It gives the impression that the teachers are innovative and creative in helping young children discovery new things on their own.

    The others are too cutesy, IMO.  Hawaiian Hut just makes me think the little kids will lounge all day long!

    Good luck with your story!

  12. I like Hawaiian Hut Preschool.

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