It's about me and my horse. Me and my friends were playing a game to see who could tell the best childhood story that changed our lives.
It was my birthday and I was four years old. I had been at my grandmothers house for the two weeks before. I came home on my birthday. Well, I had a little party with just my family. We had horse balloons, paper plates, paper cups, and napkins. Everything had a horse theme! I was led outside with a blindfold on. I took off the blindfold. In front of me was a beautiful white horse. I couldn't think of what to name it and I had a cup of milk in my hand. White milk. White horse. "Milky!" I shouted. And that's her name. Come on, I was four! My parents had another surprise for me. The reason I had to go to Grandma's was because they were building a stable! Inside was the usual stable things (stalls, troughs, etc.) but there was a room in the back. My name was on the door in pink paint. Inside the room was a bunkbed, without a bottom bunk. Below the...