
Is this a dangerous combination?

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I have been taking B12 supplements since I am vegetarian and 50 Mg of Zinc everyday for my skin. I want to take Chromium for my skin also. Would this combination be a threat to my health at all?




  1. Most vitamins and minerals taken in reasonable amounts are not known to interact unfavorably.  Drugs and chemicals other the other hand... I'd say you are safe.  How long have you been taking in that much Zinc?  You are taking in 4x the recommended amount.  And who said chromium is good for skin?  I'm searching in science journals the beneficial effects of chromium on skin and I'm not finding anything.  I suggest you take Vitamin E supplements or consume high antioxidant foods like blueberries.  I've also heard tomatoes and guava are also good foods for skin.

  2. These supplements are superstition in the Western world.  If you eat balance veg food, that is all you need.  There are almost a billion vegetarians in India who are healthy and intelligent without any supplements.

    By the way, the population of people of Indian origin in the US is less than 1%.  But 2% of all doctors, 3% of all scientists, 5% of engineers and 7% computer geeks and software engineers are Indians and most likely vegeterians.

    So eat all the veg you can, you will never become fat and your brain will be as sharp as a bell.  Good Luck!

  3. Eat blueberries and use flax seed oil for your skin.  You really don't need the chromium but the B12 is a good idea.  You may only need 25 mg of zinc, and it helps skin as well.

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