
Is this a dilemma? For writers only.?

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I can't figure out if I'm running away from home cause my mom don't like that I'll stop studying. Besides, that I love writing novels and stories. But the problem is that I don't know where I'm going to to live with.

The other one is that I don't think I could finish one novel because of writer's block, pressure, and problems I encounter like I want to stop school and write fiction stories which it is what I love. In writing, I only face the world with it and it is where I also find love, happiness, hopes of my dreams and where I also found my very own life.

The other one is I don't get much close with my fiction characters that is one that prevents me from writing.




  1. Learn how to write first, then get back to us.


  2. The answers to your problem.

    Step 1) Don't run away and stay in school

    Step 2) Make sure you pay attention in your English classes because your grammar is atrocious and one thing readers hate is bad grammar.  I could hardly understand what you were saying.  Once you get out of school, try publishing some books.  This way, if it doesn't work out, you have something to fall back on.

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