
Is this a discharge ?.. {10 points}?

by Guest44812  |  earlier

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I have a little spot which is kinndda hard to discribe.. its oily like a bit sticky not very stick very little and its like a blamish or something like that it has no color or I really dont know my under pants are dark colored..

anyways heard its discharges for my first period.. and at the bottom of my tommy sometimes hurt..

so is it ??




  1. if you haven't had your period yet, this means you'll have it in about a year. it would be clearish/white and feel like phlegm like when you're sick. you  might be mistaking the pain for gas?? idk i got discharge for two years before me period at 15 :o

  2. yes that is discharge. be sure to change your underwear often. if you want, you can wear a panty-liner. it makes you feel really clean. the stomach ache you get before your period and during is called cramps. they get really bad during you period especialy if you get irregular periods. ibrufon is the best cramps medicine. if you exersise often, escpecially before your period and cramps, you won't get cramps that often. for more information for to :

    hope i helped!  

  3. I doubt you got your period, I got discharge from when I was 11 up until I got my period, at 13.

  4. a spot where??? and discharge isn't a spot.

  5. i didn't understand your question.. did anyone else?

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