
Is this a disturbing trend or WHAT? Is Jamaica in need of this?

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There is a scene in the Rihanna video above, of her becoming an arsonist in the name of soured romance.

In this second video (above) these young women (mbc) think BLEACHING A MAN'S CLOTHES is the answer.

Here goes Rihanna breaking dishes...

Now does Jamaica need to import this kind of thing? Should a man live in fear of a woman coming to burn down the place, break all the dishes or bleach his entire wardrobe?

First it was the gangster music (Movado?? Kartel??) now what? Gangster wives? Gangster girlfriends? Gangster Maties?

My clothes are not safe. They exist in a state of fear!

Rihanna says she is NOT going to stop until she sees police lights? What is the world coming to??




  1. Ha ha haai mi gut side, Sting  ketch im  fraid, boss ah nuh clothes alone dem wi bleach, dem will saw aff yuh peice ah lumba too, den set yuh a$$ ah fyah, tuk yuh han dem between yuh leg wen yuh ah sleep, nuh sprawl out ah sleep like yuh good, she will all gell yuh, yuh wake up seedless like banana.  

    Good fi some man, dem treet ooman laka hog.

    Real big man nu ave no fear, we treat de queen an de princess dem wid respect an honour, we mek dem fulljoy demself an kip dem satisfied.

    But de mean, stingy a$$, disrespectful, mauma, watch de pot, caan memba date an time, nuh own dem pickney man dem, dem rass shal feel it. Dem nuh memba sey dem ave modder an sista an dawta an anti tuh

    Dis nuh juss ah happm, ah lang time some man ah get dem a$$ buss, but yuh juss ah see it ina chune pon vidio now.

    Duh like me, dance an sey YOW den haul yuh a$$ home.

  2. I am sure your stuff were never safe. It is not a new trend. It started way back in the day witha rtists like Tanya Stephens.

  3. Darling your clothes were NEVER safe, ok?

    Frankly it's not a new phenomenon, women have always been expressing anger in music, and frankly I don't have a problem with it. Do you know why?

    It simply expresses the womens' refusal to put up with bullsh*t.

    What would be your answer? Just Bawl like a baby and leave? Worse if dem no have nutten a get? For ALL those wasted years?  Oh Please. Bleach di clothes and bun down the house, yes. (Not saying it's right but the impulse to do so is understandable).

    I like these songs. HA HA!!

    Besides it could be worse.

    IF u nah behave uself, u clothes gettin burned should be di least of u worries. Remember she cook u food 2 and she watch u sleep. (He, He) h**l hath no fury like a woman's scorn (or something like that the saying goes).

    If men did a behave demself dem no have a ting fi worry bout.

    Hmmmm. You sound guilty.

    Jo-D: Sure do. Mom and her siblings had to hold her back. (whew)

  4. Fi real. First dem bun up wi clothes... then them come give man JACKET! Some woman wicked eh?

  5. T.V. is so graphic these days. It doesn't portray actual life anymore. Only kids and teenagers think its real and thus when they have a problem they imitate t.v and then it becomes reality. Its a cruel cycle.

  6. Ne-yo writes her songs. He also wrote Beyonce's " Irreplacable ". He writes female songs really good. Actually he does it too good. I feel he's a undercover g*y. LOL ! Anyway girls rule ! One time guys use to beat girls but now a days you better watch how you treat your lady cause if you slip up make sure you sleep with your eyes open. Haha !

    ☆ Mixed Curly Fries ☆


    (='.'=) ♥


  7. Rihanna is ******* hot

    .........its not like she WROTE the song.....She only sings them....

    i think NE-YO wrote that song

  8. in kinda agree i prefered rihanna when her music was more reggae.

    jamaica doesnt need to import any music. your music is already great :)

  9. Entertainers and People in General, whether they are (Males or Females) (White, Black, Brown, or Yellow) only have one thing in mind and that is the ALMIGHTY  $$$$$$.  The O'Jays said it best in one of their seventies song called "For The Love Of Money".  Money is the ROOT to most all evil.  Money is the ROUTE for most all evil.  Evil is the ROOT to money.  Evil is the ROUTE for money.  Sad to say, but it's the truth.

  10. The only good Rihanna video/song is "If it's lovin that you want".

  11. wooow the busted one funny lol. LOng time dem man dem fi wake up notice seh woman nah tek dem foppery from unuh agen ..DO THE CRIME DO THE TIME. lol funny how u nvr see the ashanti video lol hes dead haha.. you men need to wise up and realize that a woman is a precious and valuable thing not to be misused or mistreated because trust me in those vids u see wat we are capable of. This sort of thing has always been happening so dont bother come wid u wat is happening to jamaica or the world.   My mom always tell me a story about how ma grandma did want to pour hot oil in mi granfada ears when him neva did a treat her right. Lisa u remember? lol anyways stingstam we women want the world to know CHEAT ON US AND ULL HAVE TO BUY A NEW WARDROBE!!!!! lol

  12. Oh Well! (shrugs)

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