
Is this a dominant gesture I should discourage?

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Behind my couch there is a bench seat. My dog stands up on that bench and leans forward over the couch, that way he's right at my level and puts his leg over my shoulder. I push his leg down...he puts it right back up on me.




  1. Dogs are very funny creatures, they will sometimes do things just to annoy you. They're like kids! If it bothers you a lot then discourage it but it sounds like your dog is just showing affection.

  2. Not so much dominant behavior as attention seeking. Now is the time to start teaching *off* and *leave it*.  

  3. It isn't dominant behaivor, your dog just wants attention. Stand up, walk over to him, and pet him or play with the toy he gives you. If he was being dominant, I doubt he'd be giving you something of his.  

  4. He is just being affectionate and as he is l*****g your face and ears he is being submissive. Don`t worry, enjoy his closeness.

  5. Sounds like a dominant gesture...putting his paw on you.  Instead of pushing it off, just stand up and leave the room.

  6. may not be dominance, but, if I were your boss and you placed your hand on me and I removed it, looking not too pleased, would you put it back?

    Lack of clear communication seems to be the problem Jane...if you do not want that leg there, make sure he understands that, one way or the other and make sure you have the final say so on it!!

  7. Sounds more to me like he wants your attention, so I would say no to the dominance theory.  

  8. If you want to know, try placing your paw on his ;)

    See if the dog acts silly or scared. You can always remove it if there is a problem.

    Leaning is a dog way of dominance, unfortunately their lack of skill in communicating causes them to try different methods of communication. I recommend laying you hand on top of their paw or back for a few minutes to see how they react. If he has no toy, I would say that this is a dominant position.

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