
Is this a fact that I will simply have to accept?

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This is my second year in college, as a Computer Science major, and I have come to the sad realization that there are like almost no girls in any of my classes and the ones that are in my classes aren’t exactly appealing. Will this type of scenario carry over to the real world…is this what my job environment will look like? Am I doomed to spend my working hours amongst overweight, socially inapt, dorks of the male variety?




  1. Maybe, take a sociology or psychology class to give yourself some more variety?  I think in the long run it will depend on what type of company you work for and the size of the company.  

  2. well, yes. but what makes you think YOUR so much better?

    they could probably say exactly the same thing about the men in your classes.

    and your not supposed to date co-workers anyway. i was watching a talk show yesterday, and that's what they said. so definitely listen to whatever talk shows tell you.

  3. Dont worry dude

    there is a life outside work and college.

    think about all the nights you will spend after work with your mates bar hopping. this will give you ample opportunity to avoid dying alone.

    maybe taking up a hobby or something will help, or join a club or whatever. and i think the internet is now just acceptable for finding dates (well unless ur in the US where i think its now common place).

    good luck man

  4. in a nutshell, yes. i would get used to frequenting a local pub or two if you want to have any real social life.

  5. Yeah you are my friend. Its OK though your line of work will afford you the luxury of being able to have some great times out on the town. Besides NEVER EVER sleep with a chick you work with. Just consider their looks motivation to not $#!+ where you eat. I hate to sound sexist, but the reality is there will be an even greater percentage of men in your field after college.  

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