
Is this a fair and reasonable statement about Sarah Palin?

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"Her selection is yet another encouraging sign that old barriers are falling in our politics," their statement said. "While we obviously have differences over how best to lead this country forward, Gov. Palin is an admirable person and will add a compelling new voice to this campaign."

"she seems like a compelling person. Obviously a terrific story, personal story. And I'm sure that she will help make the case for the Republicans. Unfortunately, the case is more of the same,"

Palin's selection, Obama said, "is one more indicator of this country moving forward. The fact that you've got a woman" as the "vice presidential nominee of one of the major parties, I think, is one more hit against that glass ceiling."




  1. The fact is McCain choose a woman as his running mate is not because she is qualified but as a desperate political stunt to win over Hillary supporter votes and try to negate the growing opinion that GOP is a washed out party of old white males intolerate of changes, minorities and dissent.  

  2. Yes, any one who says any thing negative about Gov. Palin; really are lost in the woods with their bu... buddy

  3. Democrats say what you will about her lack of experience or investigations.......the fact is, she has excited Republicans. That more than anything should scare you.  Remember in 2004, it wsa the conservatives who gave the victory to GWB.  This assures that they'll be voting this November.

  4. Yes for once Obama spoke the truth. Except the part about her being more of the same.  I think he realizes McCain did what Obama just talked about doing.

  5. You need to research deeper about our little darling Dukes of Hazzard girl.  Start here:

  6. She was not a good choice in the long run, and he just picked her.

  7. Yes, wonderful...but she's a ploy and its insulting to women...Obama has my vote

  8. Yeah. It's great that a woman can be selected for Republican running mate. It's a strong sign of progress. Unfortunately, that woman is Sarah Palin.

  9. Most of it is appropriate. Some of it is typical democratic party slander.

  10. I don't know enough about Palin to know what she thinks about things, but I DO remember a time when women were NEVER chosen to run for high political office in this country. It just wasn't done. So every time a woman is nominated, she smooths the path that much more for those younger women to follow.

    That's a good thing, I think.

  11. I guess he couldn't resist slipping a little jab in there, could he..

    She's been shown to readily stand up to her fellow Republicans in the past. How is that 'more of the same?'

    His own pick for VP seemed to me to be 'more of the same' more so than McCain's choice.

    We still haven't really seen what she is made of, but it is refreshing to actually see a new face this year for a change. I do believe there is such a thing as too much time in office. People tend to grow out of touch with their constituents over time.  

  12. Well it would have been a positive move if she worked for it, however the fact remains is she was only chosen because she is a woman. If Hillary never ran for President. The female vote would never have been an election issue this year and Pallin would be spending more time in Alaska as a unknown.  

  13. she is Awesome!

  14. Well,I admit that she has done some good things for  Alaska,but it's sexist of McCain to think that women will just vote for him because of a female VP pick and not the issues. His pick says to me that he thinks the female Hillary Clinton supporters are brainless and don't care about the issues

    Hillary Clinton represents the issues that the women who voted for her care about,and Sarah Palin is the opposite

  15. I have to give Obama credit...and believe me that's difficult for me to do...he swallowed his pride, did the PC thing, and complimented the Republicans on their choice for VP.  Way to go, Senator!  

  16. i cannot believe that McCain has been this stupid.  It makes me feel that he's been an Obama supporter all along!

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