
Is this a fair match ?

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is it a fair match for 2 guys to fight

one who is 18/19 against someone who is 30-33 ?

is it fair ?




  1. Fair or not fair is merely a person's opinion.

    As we all know, different people have different opinions, so the resulting answer will be rather useless.

    Is that what this is all about... person 1 trying to force his opinion on person 2 by means of physically violent behaviour?

    Respect can never be obtained by force. You may be able to force a person to do something by threatening to hurt this person -- consequently, this person may comply to your demands, but don't delude yourself thinking that that is a sign of respect.

    By deliberately hurting another person (or animal, for that matter) you are NOT defining that person's character... you're defining your OWN character.

    Okay, perhaps i'm assuming wrongly. Perhaps your question is in the spirit of, "both parties agreeing to fight as a challenge to prove who's got the most physical strength, quickest, or whatever", much like a wrestling match.

    Well, if that's the case, can't you think of some better ways to test your strengths? Weightlifting, reaction test games, etc.?

    But if you both are keen on doing it your way, then my opinion is, feel free.

    Because I hate how bureaucrats rob civil liberties by  forcing things by federal law. I hate how the world is ruled and ruined by tons of useless laws.

    They're narrow-minded logic goes as follows:

    Let's ban activity A, it saves lives.

    If activity A is banned, then why shouldn't activity B be banned.

    If activity A and B are banned, why shouldn't activity C be banned.

    Etc.,etc. until everything from A to Z is banned and no person is capable of living a happy life anymore, because we 'break' laws and therefore are deemed 'lowlife scum'... 'criminals'.

    And of course, we get brainwashed into thinking that politicians and cops are ALWAYS good.

  2. Age has nothing to do with if it a fair fight or not only skills and ability. However, fighting is not a "fair" option to settle any sort of disagreement.

  3. I would have to say it would depend on the body strength of each person. if one is smaller then the other then no!! it's not fair

  4. fighting is never fair, sit down and discuss it over tea and cakes instead.

  5. Age has nothing to do with it.  It comes down to physical capabilities.  A rule of thumb is that NO fight is fair.  There is always a winner and a loser.

  6. fighting is illegal and this is under law enforcement???

    first of all... you should start watching UFC.  They show you fair matches.  They come in all shapes and sizes, all ages, and all races.

    The 18/19 year old could possibly be tall, thin, and normal build while the 30-33 year old could be short, large build, and work out on a regular basis.  Without seeing, no one knows if it's a fair fight.  But everyone has their advantages...
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