
Is this a false advertisement? (free mac makeup kit, w/e)

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike << this website , idk if i should sign up for one cus it might be one of those.. weird fake advertisement c**p, but the site looks pretty promising and i was thinking of signing up for one.

so now i am just asking for ppls opinions if i should or not. lol




  1. IT'S A TRAP!

    Don't any of you read the terms of service? Seriously, read it.

    You have to complete 13 other offers from other companies. Basically they make you do a bunch of surveys, you're going to get looped through a lot of other advertising sites, and you're probably getting data mined to all h**l. It will take you weeks to complete, and you'll want to print it all out because they say in the terms they can easily lose your stuff and if they do and you don't have printed copies you won't get the gift. There are time constraints involved. You may have to buy other stuff and give a credit card number to pretty much all of those 13 other sites it's going to bounce you to.

    Don't be dumb. This is my good samaritan deed for the day. I haven't fallen for ads like this s**t since the 90's, and I'm 21. I just saw the ad and wanted to read the terms of service so I could rofl at the hoops that unsuspecting people who want free s**t will have to jump through. NOTHING ON THE INTERNET IS FREE. Anytime you see one of those ads, it's this exact deal. You'll pay with hours of your time if not your money, and the information you give out will probably be sold to hundreds of advertising companies as you spend those hours telling them what your favorite iphone app is.

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