
Is this a fast time for a 2 mile?

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I used to run a 15 minute 2 mile in High school, but on my team I was the slowest person and the whole team made fun of me. Is that a fast or slow time?




  1. Its ok but im sure with hard work u can do much better. Try running 3  miles at a 2 mile pace and u will see that u will get better. Try doing fartlec training and simmilar things and ur fitness will suprise u!

  2. they are jerks...

    your time is okay...

    it could use some improvement but nothing to be ashamed of or laughed at for

  3. sounds like a bunch of jerks that are on your team.  Probably they are just very immature. 15 minutes for 2 miles is actually good. You are averaging 7 min miles and that qualifies you as a runner.

  4. well for a competitive runner it's not so good but for the average high school student that's very good.

  5. its a decent time

  6. It is all comparative.

    Was that a fast time compared to those of your teammates? According to what you have told us, no.

    Was that a fast time compared to those who don't run track? Yes it is. Most adults cannot run two miles without stopping.

  7. Both yes and no.  A 15 minute two mile in high school is not fast compared to the vast majority of high school runners (boys and girls included) - but you have to remember that these kids are training specifically to get faster and faster.  Compared with the majority of people, 15 minutes is quite fast - most people can't walk two miles, let alone run that distance.

  8. um...your time isn't that friend runs a 14 minute 2 mile and shes a girl...

    but don't let that bring ya down! its over now so theres no use pandering over the past!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :] peace

  9. don't worry about what they say, i have had experience from being track and xc captain of people of all ability level and as long as you are trying your hardest, giving your all then there is nothing to be ashamed of.

    honestly, though, your time is slow. Elite high school runners (myself included) run about 9:00 - 9:30 and an average time is about 11-12 minutes. but don't be discouraged in anyway by this, everyone has their talents, some people are just born to run fast and others aren't but running should be fun no matter what.

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