
Is this a fear or worry i should overcome?

by Guest57459  |  earlier

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i was immensely tortured the feeling of need to confess masturbating to my grandma and i've fainted because of this and the fact that i might be less intelligent because of hitting my head somewhere and hitting a soccer ball with it. i now have the same feeling of not praying for forgiveness. im a chirstian and i have ocd(scrupulosity). i had the constant feeling of need to pray for forgiveness. i have to think over the fact that i don't have to everytime i do something and same with not confessing to my grandma. do you think i should be able to do other things without doing thinking over and being irritated by it? but that means that i would be moving on and not hanging onto this, which is the thing i should be doing? i have to do this before i eat or exercise or even sleep sometimes with vary of other things. do you think i should feel relaxed without the anxious feeling with the wondering of if i should pray for forgiveness?




  1. I believe if you prayed for forgiveness, then you don't need to pray again for the same things because you have already been forgiven. so why ask again for what you already have? I also want to let you know that you do not need to confess to your grandma. That is personal and your own business and don't worry about it.

    If you have done some new bad thing, then you could ask forgiveness but I doubt you are really doing such awful things. Can you see your doctor and find out if you can get some medicine to help you? You should not have to suffer this way. I know life can get better for you. I hope you are soon feeling less anxious and able to enjoy life.  

  2. pray and go get help u need a counselor

  3. ewwwwwwww

  4. pray for forgivness and if you think you will be fine about it then tell your grandma unless you get get beaten or whatever

  5. i also have ocd i do the weirdest things and i do everything over and over and over again. You dont need help its something a lot of people share with you and you shouldnt feel bad masterbation is normal, and praying for forgiveness isnt necessary its normal and honestly its not a sin in my eyes its an urge everyone has sexually charged urges and its better that your masterbating and not having pre marital s*x and getting girls pregnant.its ok sweety and if you ever need to talk you can im me or email me.hope my answer was helpful.

  6. I think that you need to relax more, and the way to achieve it is to seek professional help.

  7. you're gonna tell your grandma that you jerk off?

    it's natural i don't think you need to confess it's not a sin

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