
Is this a fish?

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Ok so I was horse back riding by a canal with my cousin. It has gators and fish in it. But what was weird is I saw this one (fish i thought?) that was all white. It had no gills. It had a long "nose" like a gar but it looked like it had a hole at the end, like a anteater lol. Maybe I saw it wrong. It didnt have fins like a fish as I recall. They looks solid, and not transparent. He was probably smaller than a baby alligator. Is this a fish or something? My cousin doesnt know what it was but I was wondering. My dad said it was probably a gar but do white gar fish exist?




  1. maybe the loch ness monster

  2. This fish is called the Alligator Gar. This gar can actually stand his ground against a real Alligator. I've heard that an Alligator tried to eat the Alligator Gar and this Gar bit the Alligator in half.

    So to answer your question, yes this is a Gar, and it's called an Alligator gar. You can look it up through yahoo or Google search, they'll have more information on this Gar. But, however, there is restrictions on catching this type of Gar because it's been fished especially for the sport.

    I hope that this helps, thanks for asking.................

  3. ya i thonk so

  4. sounds like some sort of albino snake, maybe an albino cotton mouth or copperhead, depends on where you live.

  5. Thats a Aligater Gar.

  6. Ohhhh, that picture creeps me out.  Now I'm going to have nightmares....

  7. erm there are severl speices of gar so its pritty possible it could have been a gar.

  8. maybe
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