
Is this a fuel conservation issue?

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So much is talked about conserving fuel. For a little discussion on this see here -;_ylt=AuKO7VBtNFm8rvVbbXVuBI3py6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080724114819AA6uxNl

The car-pooling idea was left out (maybe because it is not so practical).

I have always wondered, "Don't we burn up so much fuel needlessly in motor racing sports?" The Formula One cars consume a lot of fuel for their acceleration etc. I presume. All this for our entertainment and vanity? Isn't this an issue in fuel conservation?

Won't stopping / reducing these (less purposeful) races save a lot of fuel?*

* - I say 'less purposeful', instead of 'purposeless' so as not to hurt the sentiments of the fans of the racing sport.




  1. There's so much fuel it doesn't really matter how much we use. It only affects regular people because of the price. They can afford it, so it's not really a big deal.

  2. Right now we have plenty of fuel both for racing and air shows.Most of what you hear is propaganda from the left. We really won't have to worry about it for at least another 100 years and by then will have switched over to hydrogen and the races will continue.

  3. many fuel saving ideas were proven up in race cars before implemented on regular cars.  The race cars are given a small amount of fuel to complete the race, that's part of the rules.  Top fuel dragsters use less than 10 gallons of fuel, some of which is methanol that can be made from biomass.

  4. All Americans put together use more fuel in one day, then a year of all all the racing done in America.

    You are talking about a drop in the bucket.

    More fuel is wasted creating plastic bags that people use to carry stuff for 15 minutes.

    More fuel is wasted for trips people take that are less than a quarter mile.

    More fuel is wasted on running hair dryers.

    More fuel is wasted watching American Idol.

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