
Is this a full list of Sarah Palin's shortcomings?

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- she was a member of the Alaskan Independence Party - a group that is dedicated to having Alaska secede from the union

- here only real experience is 20 months as governor of a very small population state with no real fiscal problems because of oil revenues.

I really dont think mayor of a town of 9,000 should count as 'executive experience'.

- no foreign policy experience. Her state borders Russia, sure. Notice though how she never bothered to travel the fifty miles to the west to go there?

- we dont know her real relationship with Ted Stevens, the indicted Senator of Alaska - but it sounds like they were tight.

- the whole deal with the punitive firings of people - back to the librarian when she was mayor.

- she clearly wasnt vetted. There are probably more skeletons in the closet.




  1. Her claim to have fought against the waste of tax money for "the bridge to nowhere" is an out and out lie as she advocated for it.

    She thinks Creationism should be taught in public Schools.

    She is opposed to birth control, even for married people.

  2. You forgot the part about being an absent parent.

  3. Sorta' pales against Obama's 20 years in a racist church and being buddy buddy with a true American born racist anti-government terrorist.

    Sorry, but Obama gallivanting around the world on the apron strings of his mother doesn't count as foreign policy experience.

    20 months as Governor of the largest state in the union clown stomps Obama's less than 170 days on the job as the FRESHMAN Senator from Illinois.

    Speaking of punitive firings, we should revisit Hillary firing pretty much the entire White House Travel Office.

    You really need to work on that memory of yours.  

  4. Hmm..She has less skeletons than Obumma

    Has more experience than Obama

    Has accomplished more politically than Obama

    Maybe you should be worrying about your boy instead of her

  5. Pretty good, but I got more for you.

    Is suing our government for putting the polar bears on the list of threatened animals.

    Is involved in the wooten scandal which questions abuse of power. Check out the Baily phone call on last link.

    She is a hypocrite  when she whines about personal attacks.

    She was for the bridge to nowhere UNTIL congress voted against funding the project.

    Put the town of Wasilla 20 million dollars in debt while being the mayor.   Also she secured millions in earmarks for her town as well.

    Not to shabby for someone on the national stage for only a week.  Palin the gift that keeps on giving.

  6. geez if that's the only thing you can find on her!!!! gimme a break Mr. Perfect  - that sounds like the least corrupt of Washington to me any time. I dare you to compare her to any Republican in office. What a joke to find fault with the stuff you've listed.

  7. You forgot to say she hired a lobbying firm to bring in tens of millions in EARMARKS while she was mayor of Wasilla.  Now she claims earmarks are the work of the devil!

    She was FOR the bridge to nowhere until Stevens got busted for it...then she was against it.

    Palin is a fraud.

  8. you're not only an uninformed idiot, you're just plain stupid.  

  9.   She attended a racist, bigoted church for the last 30 years. According to the Pastor if you questioned G W's actions during Katrina you were going to h**l.


  10. I agree HD!

  11. She left Wasilla $20 million in long-terrn debt or about $6000 per person in just two years as mayor.

    She has no travel exp except for visiting the Alaska National Guard in Kuwait and wounded soldiers in Germany. She got her passport after 2005.

    She prefers to live in Alaska than in the lower 48.  She turned down a sportscaster job because she would have had to relocate, even though that was what she went to Idaho State college for.

    She flipped on the bridge to nowhere supporting it while she ran for governor and then dropping it when it became a national disgrace.

    She supports bounties on killing wolf pups and shooting bears and wolves from the air to artificially increase the Moose population.  She also sued  the federal government to take polar bears off the endangered list.  

  12. That is probally just a list for this moment in time I believe the best is yet to come

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