
Is this a good 10 gallon mix?

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OK, i have a ten gallon tank, with three glofish. I went to the pet store and saw a clown loach that was very beautiful. I got him, knowing that they will grow, yet the pet store person said they will grow slow and may stay a smaller 5" in a ten gallon tank.

My question is, do I have too little of a tank for these for guys, and if not would i be able to get any more fish?

My family really enjoys the fish and may get a bigger 75-100 gallon tank, yet i think that won't happen for at least half a year. I know that if my clown loach gets too big I can sell him for I know many who would be happy to have one. All NON-AGRESSIVE help would be greatly appreciated




  1. Get rid of your clown loach.  It will die.  Glowfish are tortured and they inject the neon stuff in them that make them glow.  They aren't naturally like that.

    I'd get maybe... 6 guppies.  2 males and 4 females.  But if you plan on getting male and female guppies, be prepared because you will have lots and lots of babies.  

    As for the clown loach again, get that 75 gallon tank ASAP, get it cycled, and put your clown loach in there.  Get 4 or 5 more of them too because they like being in groups.  Along with the clown loaches, get some bala sharks too.  And balas like being in groups too.  

  2. yes ur tank is way too small. clown loaches are active, schooling fish that, housed in a proper environment of 70g+, can get a foot long. stick with cories/otos for a 10g. and don't get a single loach and expect it to stay small and cute. it will get depressed away from its school, and probably go into hiding or something. not to mention the small tank will probably stunt it. just wait until u can get a bigger tank, then u can have a big happy school of them (4+)

  3. You shouldn't have put a clown loach in a 10 gal...

    It was a VERY stupid thing too do.

    Never listen to people at the pet store because they will lie to you so you will buy a bunch of fish.

    You should find a good home for the clown loach and perhaps all your fish because you are obviously a Very bad fish keeper.

    Clown loaches need warm water....

    Clown loaches need at-least 5 other loaches to be around( they like being in groups)

    Its very sad seeing a person this bad a taking care of fish.

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