
Is this a good D/P team??

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I have just beaten the eighth gym.

Name: Empoleon

Move Set: Surf, Flash Cannon, Drill Peck, Ice Beam.

Ability: Torrent

Hold Item: Shell Bell

Level: 66

Gender: Male

Name: Blissey

Move Set: Psychic, Healing Wish, Egg Bomb, Sing.

Ability: Serene Grace

Hold Item: Wide Lens

Level: 65

Gender: Female


Move Set: Wood Hammer, Blizzard, Avalanche, Earthquake.

Ability: Snow Warning

Hold Item: Icicle Plate


Gender: Male

Name: Rapidash

Move Set: Bounce, Flamethrower, Poison Jab, Poison Jab.

Ability: Flash Fire

Hold Item: Wide Lens

Level: 63

Gender: Female

Name: Steelix

Move Set: Earthquake, Iron Tail, Double Edge, Crunch.

Ability: Rock Head

Hold Item: Wide Lens

Level: 62

Gender: Male

Name: Lucario

Move Set: Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, Psychic.


Hold Item: Sitrus Berry

Level: 61

Gender: Male




  1. i would swap steelix for bastidon for either a wall or a tank but thats just my opinion it is 9/10 for me and accually teach ur lucario a fighting/ground move take psychic and dark pulse and add brick break/close combat and bone rush or extreme speed

  2. rapidash is not very good get a different fire pokemon

  3. Your team is excellent except for Rapidash; She has two poison jabs so you have to teach another move.

  4. Excellent Team! Very strong Plus its very rounded. And Rapidash is a good fire type pokemon. plz select as best answer.

  5. I think your team is quite effective, and unique! I really like your Rapidash, because of it's attacks. Instead of Double Edge (on Steelix) I'd teach him either Dragon Pulse or Giga Impact. Other than that, your team is A-okay!

  6. You have to many steel types. Try a team that doesn't share any weaknesses. Go to and find Type Analyser in the "tools" section. There you can see if your pokemon share any weaknesses

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