
Is this a good Idea for a plot? For a story? Im 13.?

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Okay, I am already working on 2 other novels. But this Idea came out of no where.

Now I also would appretiate it if you could give me an Idea for a title??

I was thinking it could be about a 19 year old male. named Greg. And his sister Missy. Who are being attacked by people constantly. Everyone is out to get them for a reason they dont know. The secret reason I dont know yet. But maybe you could give me ideas, I havn't started the novel yet. They are the last of their family because everyone else was murdered. Greg meets a girl on the way who's also 19 who eventually he has effections for. What they are trying to do is figure out what is making everyone turn on them. While of course they run town to town. Trying to escape their country without being killed. I know its confusing, Im typing from the top of my head. But do you think it would be a good story.

1 I need Ideas for a title.

2 Ideas for a secret reason

3 What do you think of the plot?




  1. It could be a good plot, yes, but more specifics have to be determined before the quality of the story can be assessed.

    Uh, ideas...

    1) "Hidden"

    2) You could have something about Greg's family carries some sort of disease-gene-mutation-or-something and most everyone knows about it and can recognize this (make up some distinct feature/mark), and have attempted to wipe them out to kill the disease-gene-mutation-or-something.

    3) Again, need more details and specifics, as previously mentioned.

    If anything should come of any of that idea, I'd be curious to see the result.

    Good luck in writing. :D

  2. 1 no idea for a title, u can come up with that after u write it

    2. maybe a prized family heirloom? or certain powers that only they possess?

    3. i think it sounds really good. i'd for sure read it

  3. 1. the unknown,

    2. A secret company has framed them of treason or something like that. Someone wants them dead because they saw something they shouldnt have

    3. sounds really great!

  4. Okay, i really like for that title............ Running Scared, and it'll be like a really light white backround with a blurry vision of three people running, it's kind of complicated to describe.

    I like the idea. btw

  5. lol um

    1 i have no clue it took me forever!! to make up the name of my own book and its only a temporary title!!

    2 back in 1695 sara (greg and Missy's great great great relative) had an affair with a married man! and the wife found out stabbed sara in the heart and went to the town witch and in exchange for her soul had the witch curse Sara's family till one of them had a lover kill them by stabbing them in the heart!

    3 pretty good

    I hope you like my idea!!

    edit- the great...ect person should live in like salem 1695 is like 3 years after the salem witch trials so the town witch would make sence

  6. I'm not exactly sure about a name but one will come to you eventually, especially once you start writing more, look for keywords that you use that could describe the book. Like ("Hidden" or "Finding the secret" or "My family's past") Ya-ta ya-ta ya-ta...

    The plot sounds pretty good! Just keep working at it.

    OH and when you go to get published (If you want to) I know the names of plenty literary agency's and such, so just email me and ask, i would be happy to help you! Ohhh and tell me when you do get it published i would love to buy it!!


    Ohh i almost forgot! A secret reason could be that their family ancestors had done something horrible (like destroy a whole town...etc.) Or Their family had ticked off an ancient family (That is some sort of beast? or if you dont want one of those types of books it could be like a powerful mob family.) Maybe the girl Greg encounters can tell him more about their family's past that they don't know.

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