
Is this a good Joke!?

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A costumer walks into to a burger place called Jack burgers

The clerk then says- Welcome to Jack Burger can I take your order?

Costumer(in a deep, low slow weird voice)-ya... I'll have a Jack burger and medium fries.

Clerk Sorry we don't have any fries can i get you something else?

Costumer- ya I'll have a Jack burger and large fries.

Clear-Listen buddy, who put the ape in aperciot

Customer-uh... nature did

Clerk's right nature.

Clerk who put the straw in strawberries

Customer- nature did.

Clerk- and who put the freak in french fries

Customer- um... there ain't no frickin french fries

Clerk, that's what I've ben trying to tell you all along but breath, there ain't' no fricken french fries, now get out of here before I shove that Jack burger so far down you throat you have to eat it with you a*s hole!




  1. wow one of the dumbest jokes ever!

  2. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i didnt get it at allllllllll

  3. Silent letters are what makes the English language so difficult and so special. Like the silent P in swimming.

    Liked the joke, by the way

  4. hehe

  5. Heard it before, but as "There's no F in God!"

  6. Good Joke but the end is kinda unnecessary.  No name calling needed.  the joke can stand on it's own after the "that's what I been trying to tell you"

    Good  Job

  7. yes

  8. the end was pretty stupid... I mean after the punchline it was weird and violent... And I've heard that joke one to many time...
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