
Is this a good Jury duty excuse?

by  |  earlier

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I have ADD, social anxiety, and have panic attacks in a room full of people.




  1. The best excuse is to show up

  2. You got a Doctors written statement stating so then Yes.

  3. Actually that's the excuse i used but the thing is, it's true for me.

  4. It may work, but It may not work.

  5. Why are you looking for an excuse? Well, my teacher got off it,by saying that her boyfriend was a policeman

  6. For heaven's sake, why would you need an excuse?

    Just go and serve.  I enjoyed it thoroughly - you might too.

    But you'll never know until you try.

  7. I have all of those thing and yes it work

  8. Just go serve, it is part of being a reasonable adult.

  9. Nope, sounds like a crock to me. It just amazes me how many citizens want to get out of doing their civic duty. Suck it up and go.

  10. Be careful.  The court has the right to ask for proof of any excuse that you give.  When my husband asked to have his jury duty postponed, because he was undergoing chemotherapy treatments, he received a letter asking for a doctor's note to be sent to the court.

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