
Is this a good SAT score??

by  |  earlier

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Critical Reading 520

Math 420

Writing 530

it comes out to a 1480

should I take them again?




  1. no!! they're actually really good.

    except, your math is a little low, but your english makes up for it :]

    but colleges do like to see if their prospective students are trying theyre hardest.

    a college professor once told me that alot of colleges look at how many times you take the SATs and take in to account how hard you've worked.

    besides; taking them again can only raise your score :]

  2. They aren't great, a bit above average.  Depends on what college you wish to attend, and what the rest of your application will look like.

    Average SAT Scores

    Writing 497

    Mathematics 518

    Critical Reading 503

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