
Is this a good answer to people who are scared of skateboarding?

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I see people always saying im scared to learn to skate im scared i might fall and all this kinna stuff. well this is what i heard from a friend who died skating when he wuz 15...."if your scared to fall dont try to skate"




  1. yeah man i kinda agree. if some one is to scared to even TRY it, then its almost pointless.

    it is a dangerous sport but sometimes people have to get over it...

    i have had 3 cast this year alone from skating (i got hurt pretty bad from trying a back flip over a cement transfer, not fun to fall on that S**t. but a few weeks later when they came off, i was back on my board trying it again. you just cant let a few bumps and bruises stop you from doing something you love, ya know what i mean?

  2. yea. but skating is kinda lame. everyone does it. thats why i bmx

  3. i remember watching this movie and this lady kepted say this quote "if your scared it means there's opportunity"  it's a quote that i always remember when i'm scared it means that if your scared there is opportunity to grow and learn and to over come your fears. The quote has always worked for me, and it's good to pay the quote forward.

  4. Ok honestly the first time I tried to skate I was horrified about falling, but you learn from your mistakes. Skateboarding is about preference its your own rules, your own style. I feel if you are really committed to learning how to skate then be prepared to fall. Ive been skating for 3 years and i have fractured my ankle, broken almost every finger on both hands (not all at once), and had plenty of stitches on my face and head. But it has its payoffs. A great saying "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." And with skateboarding it makes you a lot wiser.

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