
Is this a good baby name for a boy?

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Ashton Daniel Taylor? i have 2 other sons Quinton and Jayden




  1. It really isnt up to us; use whatever name you like (= Its your son, and pick a name that you prefer. Not people over the internet. I hope your son has the name you want him to have. [:

  2. yes its really cute but you have to like it so if it works for you its perfect!

  3. ADORABLE!!!

  4. I don't think Ashton&Daniel go good together,

    But it sounds okay to me.

  5. Since you obviously choose all of your names from the Top 5 list, I think it is a perfect fit.

  6. PersonaLLy, I Don'T Care FoR iT.

    i Don'T Like AshTon.

    Daniel is OK.

    I Like Taylor BeTTer For a GirL.


    Change AshTon. Maybe: Adam, Aaron, Aaden...

    Keep Daniel as a middLe name iF You Like iT.

    Change Taylor To Tyler.

  7. I love it!  I think it is spectacular!

  8. Ashton is a girl name.  Ashton Shepard is a female country singer fairly popular right now.  

    Is Taylor the last name, or another middle name? If it's a middle name, switch it around and name him Taylor Daniel.

    Otherwise, back to the drawing board.

  9. NO.  Ashton is girlie.  Reverse it, Daniel Ashton Taylor and then it would be ok.

  10. NO. You should try Rasheed LeBron LeBrian LeKeeton Jones the 4Th.  it works everytime....

  11. Yeah, I love it!!  good luck =]

    PLEASE answer mine at;...

    thank you! =]

  12. ASHTON is a reall6 good boy name,

    plus its not very common so its perfect.

    You've named you're sons well.

  13. Aww, I think Ashton is a nice name. As long as you like it!

    Out of the 3 names, I like Ashton best, honestly.

    Go with what YOU want!

  14. I love it.  It also ties in with the "n" sound that ends your other sons' names.

  15. i like it, but a lot of people with think you named him after ashton kutcher.... so... up to you.

  16. I don't think it flows well.

    Is Taylor the last name?

    How about......

    Daniel Ashton

    Daniel Bryce

    Taylor Ashton

    I really like Ashton as a middle name better!

    Good Luck! =]

  17. i have heard worse for sure but it is okay as long as taylor is the last name,really two middle names is one too many!!!

  18. It's wonderful if you like it, the only thing is that it sounds like a bunch of first names and that can be weird. But who cares he's your son!

  19. beautiful ! all your sons have lovely names i have 2 grandson there names are Giovanni and Antonio  good luck and congrats !

  20. maybe use daniel as the first name and ashton in the middle.  ashtom night get him pocked on.  Daniel Ashton Taylor sounds better. :)

  21. The other sons have suckish names but that one is AWESOME!!! Actually change the middle name it doesn't work with Ashton. Try Ashton DAVID Taylor.

  22. I have a nephew named Ashton, and personally i love the name. But If I were to ever have my own kid i would name him/her Marley/Marlee

  23. LOVE it. like your other sons' names also. good taste.

  24. All I have to say is be careful when naming your kid. I went through many problems because the name I was given. Be wise, maybe you want to chose a name that means something. And consult your spouse about it,

  25. Daniel , Taylor , Jayden are good but Ashton and Quinton not .........

  26. no, i think a lot of people will ask u if u named him after ashton kutcher, and assumin u didnt, that will get really annoying. and all ure names kind of rhyme like ashtON, QuintON and JaydEN, so they might get named fun of in middle school and highschool.

  27. i knew a girl named ashton....  id sugguest daniel ashton if you absolutely have to have ashton in there.

  28. jayden <3

  29. I don't liek Quinton at all... it sounds like a retarded person trying to say Clinton...

  30. well first name matches quinton and jayden so yea sounds good. if the middle name is after somebody in your family then keep it., but i prefer james as a middle name for him. it sounds good with ashton and with taylor,

  31. Ashton is okay...Danial is awful don't use it. {No offence} I think some names like this would be nice

    Heith Andrew {last name?}<----My favourite

    Christian William {last name?}

    Aidan Samuel {last name?}

    Brandon Jacob {last name?}

    Garrett Lewis {last name?}

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