
Is this a good beginner golf set?

by  |  earlier

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I am 14 and i have only played golf a couple of times using my dad's set, which are way to big for me.

The other day i bought a women's golden bear 17 piece for about 350 bucks, is this a good set for new comers?





  1. Yes, that is a great set for someone just starting out, as long as the clubs fit right. As you become more experienced in golf and learn the feel of the club you can test different clubs when the golf courses have "demo days", this is a good day to experience many clubs at once.

  2. golden bear is alright good for beginners but for 350 im not so sure i think you could have done better than that somwhere els.. but great for beginners

  3. If you are hitting them well then it is a great choice for you.

  4. Golden Bear is a Jack Nickolaus Company, so they are good clubs. It's in how you hit them that will tell you for sure.

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