
Is this a good camera for taking nature photos to sell? ?

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Canon EOS Rebel K2 35mm SLR Camera with EF 28 to 90mm ?

I'm hoping to start with nature and eventually pick up wedding and maybe portrait photography.




  1. yes it is good for most types of photography

  2. Whoa, hold on there!  If you want to go pro and sell your pictures, start at the beginning!  Learn all you can about photography.  Take classes and learn learn learn!

    Once you know what you're doing, you will know how to find the best camera for the job you want it to do.  Then start taking business classes, because pro photography is a business.  

    Then save up for a decent SLR camera, and start learning from other pros.  If you ever want to shoot weddings, tag along with a good pro wedding photographer and learn from them.

    Too many people start at the wrong place and try to work their way backwards.  There are way too many amateurs trying to sell their pictures.  Become the cream and rise to the top.

  3. I would go digital.  With film cameras you must buy buy film and pay to process it.  Unless you have a large budget, you will be limited in how many pictures you can take.  With digital, you can take thousands of pictures at no cost and immediatley see what works and what doesn't.  You also have the option of making corrections to the pictures with your computer.  If you over or under expose a shot with film, your stuck and you just burned a shot.

  4. Sure, it is a fine camera. Try to work up to some L lenses in the future. I applaud you for using film. You will learn to expose properly and make each shot count.

    Put a digital in the hands of a monkey and let him shoot thousands of pictures, and yeah, probably some of them will be good. Then you can spend hours in front of a computer trying to fix photos that should have been done correctly in the camera in the first place. Not really meaning to bash digital, but unfortunately, the "monkey method" is how most of them are used now a days.


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