
Is this a good compromise on his name?

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My husband and I are having a boy in November and while we agree on the name, we disagree on the spelling. I want Brayden and he wants Braiden. Of course neither one of us will give in. So, we decided that we would spell it Braden, that way neither of us gets are first choices. What do you guys think?




  1. I think you both made a wise choice.  You have to make choices when you have kids and you both learned to compromise on a name that will be with your child for life.  I like the spelling totally.  Congrats on your new little one ahead.

  2. it sounds like a good and fair idea.

  3. I like Braden best! And compromise is always best when dealing with your husband!

  4. I prefer your spelling


    Yes this is a good compromise


  5. that's a good idea.

  6. I hate that name. It's so trendy and overused!

    Just go with Braden and be done with it.  But a different name would be way better.  All those -ayden names are so annoying!

  7. I like the spelling Braden, it is a good compromise.

  8. Lets shoot for something different and go with Braedan, or Braeden.

    Otherwise yeah I would say it is a good compromise.

  9. I think it is a good compromise, I like the spelling Braden the best anyways.  

  10. Reading the question, I was thinnkiing "Braden"! Very good idea, and I have a friend whose last name is "Braden"

    good name, congrats!

  11. Braiden or Braden is the masculine spelling.  The "y" makes it look feminine.  So, yes, this is a really good compromise.

  12. i think its a good compromise. but people may read his name as brad-den

  13. "Braden" may be confused with "brah-den".  If the a is long (a in cake), then I would stay with the Y or I.  Personally, if I were to choose this name, I would go with the Y.  It looks a bit more masculine, and "Braiden" sort of reminds me of "braid" (though I doubt it would to ppl familiar with him)

  14. its a lovely name

    congrats x

  15. braden is great!!!

  16. That's a pretty good idea.



  17. i like it

    good luck

  18. First of all, I just want to say that I personally love the name Braden!! My husband and I found out we were having a girl but if it was a boy we were going to name him Cayden. Of course we had the spelling disagreements too! But, I think that that is a good compromise because it takes out his I and your Y and just makes it the plain name instead of adding other letters. Go for it! I love it! Congrats on your baby boy!! :)

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