
Is this a good course?

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I want to go to TAFE next year when i'm in Year 11. I want to do Certificate III in Racing (Advanced Stablehand)

Here's the description of the course:

This qualification will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to care for and handle horses and maintain stables, studs, and agistment centres. You will learn skills in stable management, providing feed and water, transporting horses, basic riding, grooming, and hoof care. You will also learn about horse health and handling, gear and rugging, race day procedures, and breeding. As part of this qualification you will undertake a supervised work placement where you will be able to apply the skills and knowledge you have learned.

I want to be a trainer so would this be a good course.

P.S what other Job's careers could i get out of it?






  1. Yes most definitely.  Anything will help even you are just wanting to be groom.  You have no idea how many people come to the tracks to work as a groom who have no clue about how to properly take care of a horse.  That is why here in the states we have program now offered on most race tracks called Groom Elite (which teaches the same things you would be learning) to try to better educate back stretch workers.  Other careers you can expect would be besides trainer are assistant trainer, groom, hot walker, stable foreman.

  2. yea i tink u shud take especially if u want to get in dat field it will definitely open the door for many different possibilities and you get a feel of wt ur doing n if its the right thing for u

  3. just got some info about that course ,it is better for you.

    nice course 4 u Horse lover
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