
Is this a good crystal beast deck?

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3* Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth

3* Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle

3* Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus

3* Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger

1* Marshmallon

1* Spirit Reaper


Ancient City - Rainbow Runes

1* Brain Control

2* Crystal Beacon

3* Crystal Blessing

3* Crystal Promise

1* Enemy Controller

3* Rare Value

1* Smashing Ground

1* Sword of Revealing Light


3* Crystal Raigeki

1* Mirror Force

1* Torrential Tribute

2* Trap Hole

2* Waboku

This is with the Forbidden list of September 2007

Also this isn't really competitive.




  1. yes but it needs improvement add Hamon- LORD of striking thunder x3, mirror force, crystal tree, sakurestsu armour and magic cylinder

  2. sure

  3. dude what the h**l this deck sucks here is what i strongley recomend taking out (this is more or less my crystal beast build)

    -1 Smashing Ground (no need abundence does it so much better)
    -1 Sword of Revealing Light (really really bad idea u want them to attack u and it takes up s/t zone)
    -3 Crystal Promise (beacon and the 5th effect of rainbow ruins does this much better)
    -1 Enemy Controller (why do u need this?)
    -2 Trap Hole (traps are far to slow in this deck keep traps to no more than 3)
    -2 Waboku (useless in this deck u want yr monsters destroyed and the feild card halves damage once per turn)
    -1 Marshmallon (bad idea no way to get rid of him takes up monster zone)
    -1 Spirit Reaper (same as above u can use rubys effect to play def if you have to)
    -1 amber (3 is over kill)
    -1 topaz (2-3 is good but i think 2 is enough)
    -1 ruby (common mistake 3 is serious over kill keep to 2)
    -1 blessing
    -1 beacon
    -3 crystal rigiki (i cannot begin to say how bad this is what is everyones rush to distroy cards wait for the chance to play abundance)  

    right thats wut to take out now to put in

    CB eagle x2 (i know at first glance this seems like the worst of all CB he is but his effect can come in hand say u use rubys effect to swarm the field with 5 CB use eagles effect to but saphire to top of deck and replace him with rainbow dragon asuming u have all 7 and aonthe sap on the feild or in the grave with this list it is quiet easy to get all seven)
    CB amythist cat (need for rainbow dragon )
    CB ermrould tourist (works well with harmon and need for rainbow dragon)
    rainbow dragon x2 (play abundence finsh with 4 CB and rainbow)
    rainbow ruins x3 (there is no reason not to use this at 3 even if u draw it agin u can replace the feild card to use the 4th and 5th effect agian)
    crystal tree x2 (this card is great with pegauses or a CB eqipted with release helps u geet 4 CB in the s/t zone use its effect as soon as it has 2 counters no more)
    crystal release x2 (gives a bit of atk to CB but the real reason to use this is its replacement effect this is really really good effect)
    crystal abundence x3 (this card is a game wining card and with crystal tree and pegauses really easy to use)
    hand destruction x2 (toss ruby amathist tortase or a dead draw for more cards)
    morphing jar (all round good card tosses CB into grave new hand then blessing)
    harmond lord of striking thunder (great card can use with crsytal counter crystall tree and is lethal with CB tortse)
    crystal counter (great with rainbow ruins harmon rare value beacon and abundance)
    arkana force dark ruler (after abundance summmon him for potial win puts rubys effect to good use)

    p.s keep traps to 3 (torrential trubute mirror force and crystal counter) also do not use cards that search for feild cards or rainbow dragon there is no need for that i.e terror forming last resort rainbow gravity or rainbow path) if going to use trubute monsters go for gravi slash dragon or kuraz the light monach nt jinzo oponets traps tend to destroy yr monster which is good and kuraz can destoy yr CB to draw more cards other recomendation gold sar rose warrior of revenge resue cat (along with +1 amathist cat and x saber) summonor monk

    another final note do not under any circumstances use the following cards heavy storm mystical space typhone monster reincarnation or any other monster destroying card that only kills one monster if u want to use phonix wing blast go for back to squear one instead it magic can play it at any time cheaper and wont take up yr s/t zone also dont go for moncahs except kuraz and possibly 1 razar

  4. dude what the h**l this deck sucks here is what i strongley recomend taking out (this is more or less my crystal beast build)

    1* Smashing Ground (no need abundence does it so much better)
    1* Sword of Revealing Light (really really bad idea u want them to attack u and it takes up s/t zone)
    3* Crystal Promise (beacon and the 5th effect of rainbow ruins does this much better)
    1* Enemy Controller (why do u need this?)
    2* Trap Hole (traps are far to slow in this deck keep traps to no more than 3)
    2* Waboku (useless in this deck u want yr monsters destroyed and the feild card halves damage once per turn)
    1* Marshmallon (bad idea no way to get rid of him takes up monster zone)
    1* Spirit Reaper (same as above u can use rubys effect to play def if you have to)
    -1 amber (3 is over kill)
    -1 topaz (2-3 is good but i think 2 is enough)
    -1 ruby (common mistake 3 is serious over kill keep to 2)
    -1 blessing
    -1 beacon

    right thats wut to take out now to put in

    CB eagle x2 (i know at first glance this seems like the worst of all CB he is but his effect can come in hand say u use rubys effect to swarm the field with 5 CB use eagles effect to but saphire to top of deck and replace him with rainbow dragon asuming u have all 7 and aonthe sap on the feild or in the grave with this list it is quiet easy to get all seven)
    CB amythist cat (need for rainbow dragon )
    CB ermrould tourist (works well with harmon and need for rainbow dragon)
    rainbow dragon x2 (play abundence finsh with 4 CB and rainbow)
    rainbow ruins x3 (there is no reason not to use this at 3 even if u draw it agin u can replace the feild card to use the 4th and 5th effect agian)
    crystal tree x2 (this card is great with pegauses or a CB eqipted with release helps u geet 4 CB in the s/t zone use its effect as soon as it has 2 counters no more)
    crystal release x2 (gives a bit of atk to CB but the real reason to use this is its replacement effect this is really really good effect)
    crystal abundence x3 (this card is a game wining card and with crystal tree and pegauses really easy to use)
    hand destruction x2 (toss ruby amathist tortase or a dead draw for more cards)
    morphing jar (all round good card tosses CB into grave new hand then blessing)
    harmond lord of striking thunder (great card can use with crsytal counter crystall tree and is lethal with CB tortse)
    crystal counter (great with rainbow ruins harmon rare value beacon and abundance)
    arkana force dark ruler (after abundance summmon him for potial win puts rubys effect to good use)

  5. i think it is not as great for a crystal beast deck but certain cards contained in this deck are somewhat decent but it looks like a start but i recommend you work on it more to make numerous counters and prevent it from being ruined

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