
Is this a good dark deck ?

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monsters 28

dark horus x1

dark nephthysx2

darkknight parshathx1

vampire lord x2

grave squirmerx1

DD warriorx1

dark crusaderx2

man eater bugx2

neo spacian grand molex1

pyramid turtlex2

exiled forcex1

metabo globusterx1

the caculatorx1

beiige vanguard of darkworldx2

obsidian dragonx1

the six samurai iroux2

snipe hunterx1

lady in wightx3

spells 14

mirage tubex3

mystic plasma zonex1

ribbion of rebirthx1

heavy storm x1

swords of revealing light x1

card destructionx1

reload x1

nobelman of crossoutx1

lightining vortexx1

cup of ace x2

moster reborn x1

traps 12

trap jammerx1

reckless greed x3

dark illusion x3

magic cylinder x1

gravity bind x1

magic jammerx1

draining shield x1 negate attack x1




  1. add one more obsidian dragon

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