
Is this a good deck for Magic the Gathering tournaments?

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I constructed a Mono-Black Rogue deck and I've been doing very well against my friends. I wanted to know if the deck I came up with would do well in standard tournaments. What should I add or take out? And what would be some of its good match-ups and some of its bad match-ups?



18x Swamp

4x Mutavault


4x Oona’s Prowler

4x Stinkdrinker Bandit

4x Prickly Boggart

4x Corrosive Mentor

4x Frogtosser Banneret

4x Oona's Blackguard

4x Earwig Squad


4x Morsel Theft

4x Pack’s Disdain

4x Profane Command

Side Board:

4x Ghostly Changeling

4x Noggin Whack

4x Nameless Inversion

3x Cloak and Dagger

- Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.




  1. Consider substituting the Pack’s Distains for Nameless Inversions, simply because Nameless inversion is a rogue.

    Also, where are your must-have black enchantment Bitterblossom? Read through it carefully, and you’ll discover that the tokens that it pumps out are Faerie Rogues, not simply faeries. This is part of the reason why Bitterblossom is so d**n expensive.

    You wanted to take this into a standard tourney, so you need to include more cards that are not in the Lorwyn block. You must run at least one Urborg, tomb of Yawgmoth, because it makes all lands, including your mutavaults, into swamps. It even makes itself into a swamp, so it taps for black mana!

    Also, consider throwing in a few thoughtseizes to strip your opponent of their early turn plays, or their crucial combo piece. Utilize the abused Noggin Whack against decks that don’t run Wilt-Leaf Liege. I am almost thinking of putting a Damnation in the sideboard, just to deal with the aggro matchups.

    Also, you need either Extirpate or Tarmod’s Crypt or Faerie Macabre in your sideboard, because you’ll hate yourself when you face a Reveillark deck. When the combo is on, you’ll have an empty board, possess nothing worthwhile in your hand, and face down an opponent with infinite life. It’s not pretty.

    Other than that, your deck should do fine. Never keep a slow hand, as you will inevitably lose in every game if you do. Against control decks, hit them with a few Oona’s Blackguard creatures to strip them of their counterspell. Against aggro, you will most probably lose game one, but sideboard in the damnations, and you should be fine.

    Hope that helped, and Good Luck on your tourney.

  2. not bad, not bad at all. before you play in tournaments make sure you deck is leagal in the format (legacy, type I, type II, standard, block constructed)

    be carefull of black hosers

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