
Is this a good deck for yugioh?

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monster reborn x3

red eyes b chick

dragon capture jar

gravi crush dragon


legacy of yata garasu

de spell x3


return zombie

swift gaia the fierce knight

silver fang

mammoth graveyard

change of heart x3

curse of dragon

winged dragon guardian of the fortress #1

summoned skull x2

feral imp

dark magician

chopman the desperate outlaw



giant soldier of stone

mystical elf

spellbinding circle

red eyes black metal dragon

red eyes b. dragon


time wizard

monster reincarnation

swords of revealing light


twin headed behemoth

celtic guardian




  1. Right, lets presume that you dont have that much money, and therefore the majority of your cards will be coming from starter decks...

    First I relisted your cards to help organise the analysis.


    red eyes b chick

    gravi crush dragon


    return zombie

    swift gaia the fierce knight

    silver fang

    mammoth graveyard

    curse of dragon

    winged dragon guardian of the fortress #1

    summoned skull x2

    feral imp

    dark magician

    chopman the desperate outlaw


    giant soldier of stone

    mystical elf

    red eyes black metal dragon

    red eyes b. dragon

    time wizard


    twin headed behemoth

    celtic guardian


    monster reborn x3

    monster reincarnation

    swords of revealing light


    change of heart x3

    de spell x3



    dragon capture jar


    spellbinding circle

    legacy of yata garasu


    Can I start by saying well done for sticking to the 40 card limit (which will unfortunatly be one of the kinder things said.) Many new players start with 50-60 cards from the get-go, and at least you have basic knowledge of the smaller the deck, the better the chances of getting the right cards. However...

    The simple answer to your question is no, to be blunt. Even assuming the deck was in the Limited Format rather than Advanced, you still have 4 cards that you can't play - CoH and MR are restricted to one in limited format play. Also, you deck contains lots of Vanilla creatures (monsters without effects) and high level monsters which also share the same fate.  However, I cant give you much advice as I dont have a clue what cards you have, the only thing i will say is "REMOVE RED EYES BLACK METAL DRAGON" as that card is possibly the worst card in the game. The only way to summon him is to tribute a REbD with Metalmorph on him, and simple maths shows (REBD+MM= 2700ATK + 1/2 Enemy ATK) is better than (REBMD - 2800).

    Simply put, buy some boosters, or get some tins (or even a new structure deck, the newest one holds a powerful dark monarch, and a bunch of legal, decent cards, at a reasonable price.) Or just buy 3 Machine Revolt decks and play gadget monsters :D.

  2. i didnt read all of it but i kno u r only allowed to have 1 monster reborn in ur deck

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