
Is this a good definition of how newspapers are run?

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"It is the function of a Newspaper Editor to print as many of the Proprieter's prejudices as The Advertisers will allow!"




  1. You should add ''with the expectation of being part of the Queen's Birthday Honours List''.

    Doesn't matter where you add it.

    Investigative reporting isn't carried out any more; unless it is about the current size of Jordan's b***s or the Cellulite in Posh Beck's (lack of thigh).

  2. Well put.........

    Another way of putting it would be.... "To print as many mis-truths and biased opinions to the uneducated in society."

  3. The art of journalism (and it can be termed a fine art) is to communicate “news and views” with what you feel should be read, within a range of tolerance that won’t lose advertisers, not displease the proprietor (boot l*****g journalists are not very popular, but that goes for Mavericks as well), will enhance your reputation, improve circulation, and get a decent return reaction from readers. The rest is pure experience and a lot of luck.

    ps you only notice this if you are high up and in direct contact with owners/publishers. The "newsroom" is shielded by those who get the flak. I've had to put my head on the block more than once. I'll just quote a single example: Paolo Guzzanti (Dpty Chief Editor and MP) my partner and co-author had to leave a  Major Daily because he wasn't toeing the Publisher's line and stepped on too many "supporters" feet.

    You get real freedom when you Edit "Supplements" - I did a half dozen in the Sole 24 Ore (Major Italian Financial Daily - eqv. of the FT)  I was my own keeper and my Journalists wrote what they thought best, with no pressure from me. Same applied when I did 4 for Fortune.

  4. Most of that stuff happens in the very small papers -- weeklies, etc. The higher you go up the chain, the less interference there is.

    I've been involved in newspapers for years, and I'm actually pretty proud of how isolated the newsroom is from such pressures. They just aren't tolerated.


    Here r some  other quotes.

    Good definition!

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