
Is this a good diet for a thirteen yr old?

by Guest60438  |  earlier

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Breakfast: Special K cerial

Lunch: Fiber one [80 cal] Yogurt & Special K cerial

Dinner: Special K Cerial & Fiber One 80 calorie Yogurttt

Im 135 pounds im nearing Overweightttt. 5'4 is this nearing overweightttt? if i was to carry that Diet out how much weight do you think i could loose if i ate that ever day Plus walked my Neighbor hood for 30-45 minutes!?





  1. you do not have to stop eating and go on that type of diet. just cut back on your food. and do not eat a lot of junk food. make sure you run around your neighborhood. but do not go on that type of diet. you are to young.

  2. you should be eating meat vegtable fruit you know the whole food pyramid and just make sure you exersise but dont go on that kind of a diet

  3. No, that is not a good diet for a 13 year old, or for anybody.  And you do not need to lose a lot of weight.  You need to focus on being healthy and active, which is what you are doing with the walking, but you are ignoring your body's nutrient needs.  Right now you should be getting at least 1600 calories a day just to maintain your weight, even if you weren't getting any exercise.  With that diet your body will actually try to hold on to every calorie you eat and will try to prevent you from losing weight, because your brain will think you are starving.  Your metabolism will slow down and you will be damaging your body.

    Talk to your parents about developing a healthy plan for a little weight loss and a healthy life style.  This link will help get you started.

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