
Is this a good drawing of kurt cobain?

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i just wanted some feedback on this drawing, i did it with a dull #2 pencil so it not that great. and i know his head isn't that skinny but i tried to draw his hair covering part of his face so yea.




  1. hey its kurt are good!

  2. It's good! You should use more contrast a softer pencil in the darker areas.

  3. It's an expressive and compelling drawing.

    For me the biggest problem is where the right side of the face meet the hair.  What happens there is that we do not feel the head turn away from the viewer; it does not curve away and sort of disappear behind the hair implying a back to his head.  Rather, it flattens and comes right up to the picture plane as does the hair, as though they are both flat surfaces meeting.

    It's really really hard and elusive to make a head turn, to make it a roundish thing that somehow gives you the feeling of a back to the head (as opposed to just a sort of disconnected face).  However, one thing that will help you greatly is working directly from life: either getting a patient friend to sit there for you, or probably better yet, going to a life drawing class where there are live models and a teacher who can tell you when things are working and when they are not.  

    I think it can be nearly impossible to muddle through figuring out how to convey a three dimensional thing like a head when you are working from a photograph, especially if you are not an experienced drawer who has previously spent many hours working from life.

    It still won't come easily working from life, but I get the feeling from this drawing that you are pretty passionate and would be able/willing to put in the kind of time it takes to actually see progress, to begin to feel like you have so way of figuring out how to represent a three dimensional thing on a flat two dimensional surface.

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