
Is this a good example of G.F. Gauses competitive exclusion principle?

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I hope this example is OK. I'm open to suggestions for improvement.

. G.F. Gause’s competitive exclusion principle states that one species will thrive

while the other species dies out if they are both living under the same conditions.

some conditions may favor one species while other conditions may favor the

other species.

Example: The African Elephant and Indian Elephant both live in different

conditions, and they are both flourishing. The Indian Elephant migrates to where

the African Elephant resides, so now both the elephants live under the same

conditions. The conditions better favored the African Elephant, so the Indian

Elephant dies out. If the African Elephant would’ve migrated to where the

Indian Elephant resides, then the African Elephant would’ve died out because

because the Indian Elephant would be better suited to the conditions.




  1. Yes. The only way the 2 species of elephants could survive side by side is if they have slightly different demands on the environment ie if they have a slightly different ecological niche.

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