
Is this a good excuse or should these people be held accountable here?

by  |  earlier

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Recently in the news, there have been stories of mothers leaving their babies in a hot car, and then coming back and finding them dead because they were left in the car for one to three hours in the frickin heat. My question is how in the world can you not know that you're child was in the car, especially a 4 year old? One incident the mother was in a bar, and the baby was 2 months old. Wouldn't a 2 month old be in a car seat? so how could they say they didn't know. Doesn't a 4 year old talk? So how could the mother say she didn't know when she went in a Florida nail salon, and found her son dead. They frickin knew!!! And then they didn't even get charged with child neglect, or second degree murder, they just went on about they business. That bull@#@#!!! What do you think, do you agree or disagree?




  1. My father-in-law lets his grandchildren, including my kids, play IN THE TRUNK OF HIS CAR! Yeah, that's right, in the friggin' trunk of his car. I came over and found them playing in it. He was nowhere around. It was summer! I scolded them and told them to get out and to never get in the trunk of any car. They told me grandpa said it was okay. I chewed his *** out and he belittled me as a 'little old lady" and "worry wart." "they had flashlights," he responded and said "I knew they were in the trunk. I was checking on them." Maybe so, I told him, but I don't want you teaching them it is okay to do such a dangerous thing. What if they go home and climb in the trunk of my car, thinking it's okay cause grandpa let them do it, and I didn't know and they got trapped and suffocated.

    He had no answer for that!


    By the way, a police officer in George West, Texas, left his police dog in his car for about eight hours and it died. He was not disciplined until it came to the attention of the news media one month later. Then he was restricted from keeping the drug-sniffing dog! No charges were filed!!!!! The police chief got upset WITH THE NEWS MEDIA for reporting on the incident and doing followup stories on the situation!!!!!

  2. I know, this just kills me . How self absorbed can a person be ??  To make matters worse ,if it had been an animal , there would have been a conviction .

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