
Is this a good first car , what would make it better ?

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what do you think of my car ? its mt first car . it runs great and theres nothing wrong with it , its a 92 lincoln , all leather inside ,electric seats , windowns , all that other good stuff ... an old man sold me for 800 bucks . what could i do to make it look more like a young girls car , and what do you all think of it ?




  1. I would say it is a very odd choice.

    Usually, old people drive this car.

    And first cars are usually small Imports or small American cars.

    Cars like Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla, Mitsubishi Mirage, Mazda Protege, Nissan Sentra, Dodge Neon, Chevy Cavalier, Pontiac Sunfire, and Ford Focus.

    If you cannot spend over $1500, then you cannot get a reliable fuel efficient car like the ones I listed.

    Good luck with finding a first car.

  2. well lincolns are built strong. and since an old guy owned it you know it was taken care of. for $800 thats a good deal. if its your first car dont worry about making it look like a girls car. just buy little interior things. you dont want to spend a lot of money on a car if its not new. the engine could give out at anytime without warning (not just your car every old car) and that would suck.  

  3. its a nice steal for 800, my one friend has one thats mint condition, green with a real nice paint job, but i hope you realize the gas mileage is horrible it gets like 8 miles to the gallon. but its got a nice smooth ride, i might think about getting some new kinda rims if you wanna make it younger lookin, im not in to all that 22s and whatever stuff but if you do go for it.

  4. That Lincoln looks like a bargain for $800, but I bet it drinks alot of gas.

    If you want to make it appear like a young girls car:

    Remove the fabric cover the the back half of the roof, have the white wall tires remounted so the white wall faces the inside, so you can't see it from the street, remove the hood ornament and the luggage rack.

    But the easiest wat to make it a better car for you would be to trade it or sell it to somebody who wants, or needs a big car like that, take the extra money and buy something more suitable.

  5. looks great........$800 is a steal.......if it lasts a year your beat the system.........if an old man had it he no doubt took great care of it should last longer........

    making this look like a young girls car is something you don't want to a young driver you will no doubt make some young driver mistakes....with this car you will blend in and call less attention to yourself than if you had a red sports car..........or if this car had something distinguishing........

    low profile.....slow and easy.....take care of got a steal.....

    keep it on the ground

  6. 20 inch rims and smoke the windows! Badass car at a great price.

  7. The lincoln is very classy and as femenine as is goes. It looks teriffic. The only thing I can warn your about this years lincoln in that when it gets about 1000 miles on it it  will have a freeze plug that will  rust hole in it on the front of the engine which will cause the antifreeze to leak into the crankcase and the engine will overhea.  It is VERY expensive to fix because it is under the front timing cover of the engine.  

  8. I have to agree that this makes a very add choice as first car.

    I am biased toward Toyota Corollas or Camrys as they are very reliable and fuel efficient.

    I have no idea how you would want to make it look like a young girl's car....i guess you can decorate it a little but haha it is really a car for the elderly population!

  9. Hey dont be fooled old people now days buy their cars and drive them not caring wheather they take care of them or not. THe way they figure is the car will out last them so why not make things more even right. SO if you think is a good I guess it is but in reality if you think Old people take care of their cars, you are oblivious to the new mentality of Old people. They look at it realistically like this" if I worked all my life to end up buying a brand new car in retirement Ill be dam if I spend a penny on the new car so it can out live me" the way it goes. I have seen Cadillac's, Lexus, Infinities, lincolns  5-8 year old and are ready to be scrap but someone will buy them thinking they are a good deal just becasue an old person drove them. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE REAL COFFEE, just buy a new car you can't go wrong there, and if you buy used by from a reputable dealership.

  10. Those are some of the best cars to buy as a first vehicle. My first car was an 89 Buick Park Avenue, with big puffy red seats, and I paid $650 for it. It was the most comfortable car I've ever driven. Your lincoln will be cheap to maintain, and it's a great starter vehicle. Because of the price, you don't have to worry about scratching it up and what not. Everyone's gotta start somewhere, now I own my second BMW, and the Buick was still the most comfortable!

    I wouldn't be too concerned with making it a "girl" car, it seems to be pretty unisex, (biased somewhat towards old person), but don't worry, you're young, nobody expects you to be buying yourself a brand new, nice car. Drive it until you are fully confident with your driving abilities, then  you can look for a better car.

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