
Is this a good headshot??

by  |  earlier

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yeah i know i already asked this but im thinking of sending it in for camo rock 2 do you think it would appeal for disney channel??

do you think i might have the look they are looking for??

and is 12-17 a good age range??




  1. totally amazing. use it for sure.

  2. Without knowing if it was shot professionally, and the fact that it isn't strictly a head shot, you are obviously a cute young lady.

       I doubt any Disney casting staff come here looking, so "we" may not be able to strictly advise, in their notions of what they want, but YOU can't know if you don't try.

       Beyond the fact that you might encounter a bruised ego, certainly you can put yourself out there in multiple situations.

  3. No! Absolutely not!

    Don't get me wrong, you are cute and all, and it's a nice portrait but it's NOT a good actor's headshot.

    This image is overly retouched. Your skin, for instance,  is softened to the point of looking like it's made of plastic. It's very, very obvious to anyone who is used to looking at headshots professionally.

    Tell your overenthusiastic dad (or whoever took the picture) to try again. No blurring of skin, etc!  A headshot cannot be Photoshopped like crazy, because casting directors need to see you like you look in real life. This picture is a 'red flag' from the get-go.

    Also, the busy background, your wardrobe and accessories are all too distracting.

    I realize this is not what you wanted to hear, but it's the truth. Just because someone is a good photographer doesn't mean they do good headshots. It's a specialty in its own right.

    Ps. Please don't even think of claiming this' is not retouched'. It is indeed VERY MUCH photoshopped, and anyone who knows retouching can spot the extensive work done to this image miles away.

  4. Really good! Good Luck!

  5. Awh.

    your prettyy.

    Good Picture!

  6. It's a great photo of you, but I wouldn't use it as a headshot. A standard headshot is just a picture of your face, and possibly your shoulders, in a natural position and smiling. They don't really care to see stuff like your jewelry and whatever nice outfit you can put together, as whatever production you might be cast in will have a wardrobe department to take care of that. Simpler is pretty much always better with a headshot.

    Remember, it's not the headshot's job to "sell" you. It's just an honest representation of what you look like (flaws and all!), no more and no less.

  7. its good

  8. Super cute headshot!!  You had a really great photographer, I can tell.

    It's also a little bit more unique than most headshots I've seen, so I think it will definitely catch their eye.  Good luck!

  9. Agreeing with Linda. Too much retouching. There has been much more done to that picture than just color & contrast, I don't care what your photographer tells you. Your skin looks totally artificial.

  10. omg that is amazing. can you tell me where to send it to for camp rock 2.  who did ur head shot. please answers my questions

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