
Is this a good height and weight?

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I am 12 years old this year. 162cm (5'2 or 5'3 i think) and 45kg (i think 97 - 100 lbs) I play basketball and is SG on my team. sometimes i play SF. Is this height and weight okay for me? or should I gain more weight? if that is so, how do i gain weight or grow taller? thankss.




  1. They say that at 5 feet you should be 100lbs and every inch after that should be five pounds more. So you're a teensy bit under.

  2. I myself would think that you could gain about 10-15 pounds.

    I would eat often but eat good food. For people overweight, that would help them lose weight but for people underweight, that would help you gain. But I wouldn't worry about your weight unless you have an eating disorder which keeping you underweight.

    But you are still young. I wouldn't be worrying about that at your age. Your body is still going to go through a lot of changes. I would just keep doing what you've been doing and not worry about your weight.

  3. Your at a good heith/weight ratio

    if your a girl you will porbably grow to 5'5

    if your a boy probably 5'10?

    It Gentics YOu Cant Control It

  4. IMO, your weight in relation to your height sounds pretty healthy.

    As far as height goes, you can't do anything to improve it - it all depends on your parents genes. Just wait. (I was about your height at 12 and now I'm 190cm)

    And I think you're way too young to start using the gym or building too much muscle - it can actually stunt your growth. Just do some basic pushups, situps, chinups etc if you really want to get stronger.

  5. For your age and height, your ideal weight is between 93lbs and  155lbs (43kg and 72kg). You're well within range and you're perfectly alright.

    Also do take note of the daily energy needs for a 12 y.o is approximately 2000 cal.

  6. check out bmi index calculator

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