
Is this a good idea? My mom paying my 7 year old brother every-time he does work etc.?

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We (my mom and I) are running out of ideas to make Ross (my 7 year old brother) do some workbooks, join educational courses and BEHAVE! Do you think my mom should pay him a quarter to make him do something? He can collect the money and go to the arcade, buy toys etc. If it isn't a good idea, do you have any alternatives?




  1. Does someone pay you each time you clean up something? I think kids these days are expecting too much from the parents. I don't think kids should be paid every time they do a little chore. I think a job chart would work great and maybe at the end of the week if he has done all his chores he could pick something small, but even then you have to be careful. I have a friend who has 5 kids and one on the way. Her oldest is 16 and she refuses to help around the house at all. If she does, she demands something in return. The same with her other 4 kids. They walk all over her. Its really sad. You don't want that to happen with your son. Kids have to know its a part of life and being in a family to all have some chores to do.  Make it  a family time if at all possible.  Now I am not saying to never let him play and be a kid, but he is old enough to have some responsibilities.  Also lead by example. Show him that you clean up your messes too and yes I think work books are a good way of keeping him occupied when not in school. My kids do a summer bridge book and it helps them through out the summer.  Also remember to always reward his good behavior and I don't mean to buy him something. I just mean to give him a hug or a hi-five and tell him what a good  job he has done.  Encourage him and don't freak out if he doesn't do it just how you would, at least he is trying. I hope this helps somewhat. I know its hard. I have 4 kids and it's hard trying to get them all to help. Have a nice day.

  2. And who is going to be paying him when he is in college?  I just wonder why your mother would think that bribery is a form of discipline.  The alternative is for consistent discipline.  Your mother needs to set rules and boundaries rather than rely on bribery because it is not going to teach him anything, except to expect payment everytime he does something, like a trained seal expects fish everytime they perform a trick.  Is your brother a trained seal or a human child?

  3. Well, I'm a bit "Old School" in the fact that children are supposed to do what their parents say.  I think children are sooo spoiled to death, getting rewarded for little things that should be expected from them anyway.  It is such BS!  That is why there are soo many behavior problems today.  When my kids don't do what I say, I give them a little incetive with a threat of which I ALWAYS follow through with. Even if it means my hand on their bottom!  They have chore charts, and when each chore is completed, they do get a sticker.  They are then paid for the chores that they completed at the end of the week.  For each one they do not complete, an extra chore is expected of them.  They are not expected to complete them perfectly, but to the best of their ability.  It is teaching them responsibility for actions.......Something that seems to be forgotten. It is time to remove the silver spoons from our kids mouths, and make them accountable for their decisions whether good or bad.

  4. I think giving him moeny everytime is a bit much. How about a sticker for each time he does something good, and when he gets 10, he gets a quatre?  

  5. every time he refuses turn him over and pull down his pants and give him an over the knee spanking soon he will learn that unless he wants his bottom turned red like a cheery then he will do his chores

    if you spank him with you hand until his bottom is red and then make him stand in the corner with his pants down(nose to the wall so everyone can see his nice red behind) so evewryone can see that he wasnt obeying. this should work

    ps dont let him touch his bottom until his corner time is up it can start out with 10 minutes and go up until the rest of the nite or until his dad gets home and if he is really bad have the dad spank him either with the das hand cuz men spank harder or a hairbrush ( the dad part is not mandatory)

    this definetly works i have had my bare rippened many times before and it hurts for several day just make sure that the entire backside gets cherry red include the sit spot it will make him remember it for days and he will start listening after a couple punishments like that

  6. If you give your 7 yr old brother the choice between doing his chores or sitting and staring at the wall for the rest of the day, I'll bet hechooses the chores. I shut off all electronic equipment in my house when its chore time, and at the end of the week, when all expected chores have been done, they get a very small allowance that is not always money. It sometimes is the choice of what family activity we will be doing that weekend, or they get to vote amongst themselves what game we will all play together. Kids dont get to decide if they want to do chores or not, they should just do them, or else.

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