
Is this a good idea? ?

by Guest58276  |  earlier

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  1. You're joking right? Lmao.

    All you're doing is spreading hate, by hating on the word itself.

    You did consider this right?

    You can't just cross out hate, because that's essentially saying to blindly ignore the hate, rather than address it and help spread understanding. \

    Also, if the whole gimmick of the shirt, is that you can draw a straight line through the word.....then it's pretty stupid. It only works if you write the word as HAtE. But that's not how it's written, ever. So, it simply doesn't work. You created a spelling of the word, just to try to make a point, which isn't a solid point anyway.

    Good luck selling these. The average person with common sense wouldn't bother a second glance at them.

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